Most people I speak to these days lament that they hardly find time to read books. Even though they somehow start one, the progress is negligible. And the time gap between two successive times when they reach for the book is so large that they have to re-read a few of the previous pages just to refresh where they left off last time. I am sure by now you are nodding in agreement and smiling.
So here are a few easy hacks that you can adopt to increase the number of books that you manage to read each year. These hacks recommend small changes that are easy to make and will help you connect with your passion of reading books in newer ways.
- Make your environment more reading friendly – Make it easier to read books – (1) have books easily accessible at your favourite places in your home especially near your bed (2) Keep the distractions away like leave the ubiquitous smartphone at a little distance from your bed
- Carry your book(s) along – that way you will always have a book handy when you are travelling in cabs or standing in queue or waiting for a friend
- Read more than one book at a time. Not everyone can do this but if you have the appetite you can read multiple books from completely different topics in parallel. It is a great way to add variety to your reading and also helps complete difficult to read books
- Talk about books with others – share stories & recommendations
- Post book reviews social media or your own blog once you have completed the book
- Make time to actually read the book rather than turning to the smart phone every time you get some free time.
- Have a goal to read at least 15 min each day and this one habit alone will be enough to get to your reading goal.