Posted in Books

Reading Challenge 2022

Three facts about me –

  • I love reading
  • I buy more books than I can read in a year
  • Finding time to read books is increasingly becoming difficult

Every year I set a reading goal for myself – that keeps reminding me to find time to read and keep progressing on my goal. I started this practice in 2020 where I set a goal to read 4 books in a year. Yes I know what some of you may be thinking. Nevertheless, I set a humble goal for myself as in the previous few years my reading had taken a big hit. As it is with any other goal, it is better to set a goal which is little bit of a stretch but not something which is unachievable.

Outcome : I could only finish 3 of the 4 as I had picked up the fourth book as Steve Jobs which though interesting, was a rather huge book and took longer to complete. Also it was bulky so not convenient to carry everywhere.

Next year – 2021 – I set a goal of 6 books and was able to complete it. I did not want to go overboard with my success so even for 2022 I set a goal to read 6 books which I was able to complete last week with 5 weeks to spare.

Sharing the list of 6 books I read this year with you all.

Book List 2022

Which books did you read this year?

What books will you recommend that i can pick up next ?


I am a software consultant by profession and reside in Hyderabad, India. I love to travel, listen to music, cook and make friends.

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